Tuesday 15 February 2022

last classes of teaching practice

Today i got an opportunity to share the clz with anila teachr and we teaches the students aome important values for life we make the students imdo grps and give them a topic based on different values and ask themm to act in front of the clzz. Childens done it in a good mannerr

teaching practice

Got a chance to teaches the student a few yoga postionsss and children was very activelly participated in yoga

2 weeks of teaching partice

Most of the class wa online and i got a chance ro teach 8th and 9th clzz students. I had comepeted the chaptrs and i got feedbackk frommm childrens 

weekly report - 7 (19th august 2022)

This was the last week of our teaching practice. there were no regular classes on monday and thrusday  because of the indepen...